12 research outputs found

    Feasibility of a Socially Intelligent Tutor

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    Enhancing Learning with Off-Task Social Dialogues

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    Abstract. In Peoplia, a socially intelligent tutoring agent helps students learn by augmenting learning opportunities with social features. The tutoring agent engages in off-task conversations with the students before and after the instructional activities, motivating them to work with the system more successfully. We describe the tutor's architecture and early experiments in the domain of middle school mathematics. Students who engaged with the socially intelligent agent liked the system more, and attained higher learning gains

    Plasmonic behaviour of sputtered Au nano island arrays

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    Je demonstrována specifikace formování naprášených Au nano-ostrůvkových polí (NOP) na skleněných substrátech, anebo na tenkých vrstvách ZnO dopovaných galiem. Statistická analýza morfologie zobrazení SEM a AFM ukázala normální rozdělení velikosti nano-částic na dlouhou vzdálenost - jejich modus AM se měnil z 8 na 328 nm2 v závislosti na hustotě výkonu naprašování, který definoval nominální tloušťku vrstvy v rozpětí 2-8 nm. Přednostní orientace krystalitů Au NOP ve směru [111] kolmém k podložce se zvyšuje s vyšší hustotou výkonu naprašování a po tepelném zpracování vrstev. Příčně lokalizovaná povrchová plazmonická rezonance (LPPR vyhodnocená pomocí transmisní UV-Vis spektrofotometrie) ukázala „rudý“ posun extinkčního maxima (l ≤ 100 nm) se zvýšením nominální tloušťky a „modrý“ posun (≤ -65 nm) po žíhání Au NOP. Plazmonické vlastnosti Au NOP byly popsány modifikací velikostně škálovacího univerzálního modelu použitím nominální tloušťky vrstvy jako technologického škálovacího parametru. Naprášením mezilehlé ultra-tenké vrstvy titanu mezi sklo a zlato se zlepší adheze zlatých nano-ostrůvků, jakož i podpora formování lépe definované struktury Au NOP menší dimenze.The specificity of the formation of Au sputtered nanoisland arrays (NIA) on a glass substrate or on a ZnO thin film doped by Ga is demonstrated. Statistical analysis of morphology images (SEM, AFM) exhibited the Log-normal distribution of the size (area) of nanoislands—their modus AM varied from 8 to 328 nm2 depending on the sputtering power density, which determined the nominal thicknesses in the range of 2–8 nm. Preferential polycrystalline texture (111) of Au NIA increased with the power density and after annealing. Transverse localised surface plasmonic resonance (LSPR; evaluated by transmission UV–vis spectroscopy) showed the red shift of the extinction peaks (l ≤ 100 nm) with an increase of the nominal thickness, and the blue shift( ≤ −65 nm) after annealing of Au NIA. The plasmonic behaviour of Au NIA was described by modification of a size-scaling universal model using the nominal thin film thickness as a technological scaling parameter. Sputtering of a Ti intermediate adhesive ultrathin film between the glass substrate and gold improves the adhesion of Au nanoislands as well as supporting the formation of more defined Au NIA structures of smaller dimensions

    GraFa: Scalable faceted browsing for RDF graphs

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    Faceted browsing has become a popular paradigm for user interfaces on the Web and has also been investigated in the context of RDF graphs. However, current faceted browsers for RDF graphs encounter performance issues when faced with two challenges: scale, where large datasets generate many results, and heterogeneity, where large numbers of properties and classes generate many facets. To address these challenges, we propose GraFa: a faceted browsing system for heterogeneous large-scale RDF graphs based on a materialisation strategy that performs an offline analysis of the input graph in order to identify a subset of the exponential number of possible facet combinations that are candidates for indexing. In experiments over Wikidata, we demonstrate that materialisation allows for displaying (exact) faceted views over millions of diverse results in under a second while keeping index sizes relatively small. We also present initial usability studies over GraFa